Tuesday 15 March 2011

Green and Black's / Looking a the problem...

Below are a range of initial ideas that could help solve the problem from packaging to branding.

After looking into the brand I have not found a single tv commercial or viral about G&B. Perhaps this is the solution to enable them to become better known and attract more custom. The reason I think they may not of attempted this is perhaps they don't want to alienate there existing customers. I think they want to keep the brand special among this group, maybe they think that if the brand becomes mainstream people might think they have sold out. However lots of people don't know about them and tv is the best way to get out their. I believe whatever the advert is they need to show off the unique flavour of there product in a creative fun and sophisticated approach so as not tho alienate their existing custom.

As part of the new range below and also fitting into the promotional. I figured you could have small tasters or teasers a small pieces of chocolate that could be in the shape of a co co bean. The idea being tasting is believing this might literally tease the individual buy a bigger bar and perhaps fall in love with the brand. These tasters could be free promotion or cheap like cadburys cream eggs positioned in selling points i.e. tills etc.

After looking at all G&B's range I feel there is a gap that needs filling, they have large bars but no small ones. I believe they need this for two reasons, one being cost they want people to buy their chocolate but they wont spend big money to buy a massive bar of chocolate they might not like. However they would consider it less of a risk to buy a small bar at a cheaper price because if they don't like it they waste less money and less chocolate. Another point is size you don't want to be carrying around a massive bar.
             The second reason is less chocolate ,a lot of the range is incredibly rich and the amount is not always necessary and can of course be sickly. The size of the bar will also make it possible for the chocolate to be displayed in more visible areas such as till points etc. If the packaging is made eye catching this will more people will pick a bar up. Buying a small bar might result in people buying a large one and and investing more in the brand.

I also think they need a strap line that runs alongside an advert. Something catchy that is positioned at selling points, and other places of high visibility i.e. billboards etc. Something visually strong that reinforces the content of the advert.

Promotion I believe is key as the brief pointed out people love G&B when they try it. So for me let them try it make stalls in supermarkets, shopping centres have people walking around with trays etc. Set up attractive displays to capture peoples eyes, banners , strap lines etc.

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