Tuesday, 25 January 2011


As well as animating the individual geniuses and there triumphs I wanted to start thinking up ways in which I could link them together after analysing the previous Newton animation I figured the apple could be a recurring theme and perhaps run from one screen to the other?

below are some storyboards to demonstrate this idea...

So I thought I might try this for my next genius Archimedes the master of geometry. I thought how could the apple link with the genius, I pondered on this a while and figured that Archimedes was a master of war machines and none more noticeable than the catapult so what if Newtons apple landed in the catapult and was thrown into the next screen.

From this I drew out a catapult into separate parts in order to animate in AE, I then applied the appropriate textures and effects within photoshop.

I wanted to keep the similar but relevant to Archimedes so a laid a grid over the top to associate with geomatic drawing. I then put the two together to make a still of how it might appear on screen.
Below is a experimental animation of how this might work. If I revisit this idea I might consider having the catapult roll into the shot and perhaps have some illustration of Archimedes, also I think I need to look more carefully at the motion of a catapult.

Untitled from Sean Perkins on Vimeo.

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